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Legal Notice

Legal Notice

Contact information

The Customer Service is accessible by:

  • - Our contact form: « Contact us »
  • - Phone at 0 809 103 103 (cost of a local call) from Monday to Sunday from 10am to 7pm
  • - Correspondence addressed to Pathé Cinémas – Customer Service – TSA 701117 – 71305 Montceau-les-Mines Cedex

Pathé Cinémas Data Protection Officer (DPO) can be reached for any request via the address:


Legal information

Website Editor: The website is produced and published by Pathé Cinémas Services, a company under French law - Société en Nom Collectif (SNC), with a capital of 203,008 euros, registered under the number 392 706 412 RCS Paris, whose head office is located at 1 rue Meyerbeer - 75009 Paris, France

Phone: 01 71 72 30 90

Intra-Community VAT Number: FR 25 392 706 412

Director of Publication and Editing: Laure de Boissard

Website Host: The Website is hosted by Amazon Web Services EMEA SARL (data center in France), a company under Luxembourg law with a capital of 25,000 euros, registered under the number SIRET 83100133400018 - RCS of Nanterre, and domiciled at 38, Avenue John F Kennedy L 1855 99137 Luxembourg.

Pathé Cinémas is the owner of the domain name as well as of the Mobile Applications it has published on the official Apple and Google application stores.
The Website and each of its components, including all trademarks and logos, are the exclusive property of Pathé Cinémas.

The reproduction, downloading, representation, adaptation, modification, transmission or distribution of all or part of these elements is prohibited, except for the exclusive purpose of information for personal and private use.
The inclusion of the Content of the Website in a third party website or in a third party mobile application without prior authorization from Pathé Cinémas is also prohibited.
Pathé Cinémas or any company holding intellectual property rights reserves the right to claim damages in case of infringement of its rights.

General Conditions of the Website and General Terms and Conditions.